It’s my pleasure and privilege to serve as the Director of Satyam Institute …not only because it’s my passion, but also because I enjoy the company of my dearly loved students and talented teachers who keep me energized all the time. The Satyam Institute was founded to be distinctive & different and we believe it has remained faithful to that vision. It is a remarkable school, which is exploratory in nature and builds an inherent sense of intellectual curiosity. We want our students to go out into this world feeling confident and believing that they can make a difference for the better.
Our Mission & Vision is to create a Welcoming, Happy, Safe and Stimulating Learning Environment, where all learners have the opportunity to achieve their potential and are ready for the world beyond.
Satyam Institute
Satyam Institute offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate courses for the coming academic year 2022-23
The main aim of studying in the life of our young students is to acquire knowledge as well as to find a job according to one's ability.
Where the attendees and presenters give, receive and share information with each other, in real time. Webinars can also help you with educate your audience.
If you need help during your studies, it helps to know that institutions offer a wide range of support services to assist you with any problems you may face, including those of an academic or personal nature.
The Satyam Institute is providing Computer Education under the supervision of experienced staff. The Computer Lab. of the school is well equipped for the technical enhancement & perfection of the students in the era of Information Technology.
The Satyam Institute has a well furnished library covering reference books of all subjects along-with a large collection of developmental topics. The school library also subscribes to various magazines and news papers in English and Hindi.
The Satyam Institute has three well equipped laboratories for imparting education in Physics, Chemistry Biology & Mathematics. Facilities are available for individuals.
The spirit of atyam Institute education, Satyam Institute encourages Co-curricular activities in which every student is required to participate.The talents so acquired are aptly expressed through Competitions
If a child can't learn the way we teach, may be should teach the way they learn.
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus quiblanditiis praesentium